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1575830vérification des cookiesDiscussion ouverte : 13 octobre 2019

Discussion ouverte : 13 octobre 2019

Welcome to the second October 2019 Open Discussion. In this topic-driven series, you can post up whatever it is that you like about video games or any other medium and will face no censorship when doing so. This series changes every week, however, it always revolves around video games and the like.

Chaque dimanche, une nouvelle Discussion Ouverte apparaît sur ce site et examine diverses situations et parfois des sujets extérieurs à la culture du jeu vidéo. En d’autres termes, cela inclut la technologie, le divertissement interactif, les bandes dessinées, l’actualité mondiale et divers médias.

De plus, si un de vos commentaires a disparu et n'est pas visible par les autres commentateurs, veuillez nous le faire savoir afin que nous puissions essayer de remédier à la situation et restaurer votre commentaire. De plus, comme pour tout autre article sur ce site, aucune forme de censure ne sera appliquée, ce qui signifie que vous pouvez parler de n'importe quoi sans rencontrer de problèmes.

With that said, this Open Discussion is about exclusives and games tied to one platform and staying on that one platform. In other words, do you think exclusivity is a good thing or a bad thing when it comes to the games industry?

In addition to the above, do you think this trend will die out and will become a thing of the past? And if not, how do you think this act of exclusivity will go moving forward regarding different platforms related to entertainment?

As a bonus, do you think exclusivity when it comes to launchers and storefronts will increase or dwindle?

Like any other Open Discussion, if you have something else on your mind and wish to share it, you are free to post it up right here without any restrictions. This means that content unrelated to this very topic, which is about your thoughts on exclusive games tied to a platform, can be shared without being moved to another section

This week’s music selection is Turbo Knight’s “The Battle” featuring Straplocked and Gryf. Feel free to share your music selection below.

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