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1565230vérification des cookiesDiscussion ouverte : 5 janvier 2020

Discussion ouverte : 5 janvier 2020

Welcome to the first 2020 Open Discussion. In this topic-driven series, you can post up anything that you like about video games or other mediums and will face no censorship when doing so. This series of discussions change every week (and covers a variety of topics) but mainly revolves around video games and the like.

Open Discussions arrive every Sunday on this site and explore a wide variety of topics that include technology, interactive entertainment, politics, and other mediums. However, like any other post on this site, no comment will face any form of censorship.

Toutefois, si l’un de vos commentaires fait l’objet d’une forme de censure supprimée ou bloquée, veuillez nous en informer afin que nous puissions remédier à la situation et rétablir votre commentaire à son objectif initial. En raison des actions de WordPress et de Disqus, l’un de vos commentaires peut poser problème, mais, comme indiqué ci-dessus, envoyez-nous un message et nous essaierons de régler le problème.

With that said and out of the way, the first Open Discussion for 2020 and its theme happen to be about whatever you want it to be. In other words, if you want to go off-topic, you can. If you want to share something of interest, you can.

Moreover, if you want to list what you want to see come out of 2020, or what you fear might come out of this year, you are more than free to do so.

As of course, given that this is an Open Discussion, if you have something else on your mind and wish to share it, you are free to post it up here.

Often associated with Shulk screaming “backslash”, the music for this Open Discussion comes in by Atmacoustics‘ cover of Gaur Plains from Xenoblade Chronicles:

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