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1430860vérification des cookiesThe Bear In The Mirror, le jeu rétro pointer-cliquer est lancé sur Steam

The Bear In The Mirror, le jeu rétro pointer-cliquer est lancé sur Steam

Indie developer Oh, A Rock! Studios has launched their new point-and-click adventure game Beard In The Mirror onto Steam. The new game takes gamers back to retro times with hand-drawn characters and backgrounds for a charming world-warping tale for only $11.99. The game is 10% off during the first week of being on sale for only $10.79.

The game focuses on a young man named Paul who is in a dead-end job, living a dead-end life and doesn’t find himself enjoying adulthood very much. One night, however, a mystery room slips into his room (and he didn’t even have to pay her for it) and she changes his world forever (and not because of an untreatable disease).

You can check out the game with the trailer below, which will give you an idea of how the new point-and-click adventure plays out.

The visual art-style is mirrored after the 256-color aesthetic that marked the choice of many games made back in the early 1990s during the boon of the Shareware era. If you don’t mind that kind of art-style then you’ll likely be right at home.

The Beard In The Mirror is a lighthearted throwback to classics like La quête du roi ainsi que Dragonsphere or The Legend of Kyrandia. Players will venture about solving light puzzles, utilizing an old-school inventory system and discovering a little bit of magic, some mystery and a taste of romance.

Reviews from the gaming audience haven’t been bustling yet, but they’re slowly starting to come in. If you’re curious about The Beard In The Mirror but would prefer to wait for more user reviews to fill out the section, then it might be best to wait a while.

Even still, there’s a bit more that you can see and learn more about by paying a kind visit to the page de la boutique Steam.

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