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1438550vérification des cookiesRevelation Online entre dans sa troisième bêta fermée le 19 janvier

Revelation Online entre dans sa troisième bêta fermée le 19 janvier announced that they have opened the third closed beta test for Apocalypse en ligne and extended the level cap to 69. The third beta test will take place between January 19th and February 2nd.

For those of you who have already been participating in the first and second closed beta of Apocalypse en ligne, you’ll need new keys to participate. However, those who purchased the Founders Packs should still be eligible to participate without any problems.

They’ve opened up the closed beta registration over on their page officielle d'inscription.

In addition to announcing the new closed beta dates and opening up registration for new and returning gamers, also revealed a new cinematic trailer for the Spiritshaper, which you can check out below.

The trailer starts with a little boy who runs and falls flat on his face and requires healing from the Spiritshaper class.

The trailer eventually takes a much darker turn when some big ‘ole demons invade and attack the town. The Spiritshaper is still there to help and heal some of the fallen soldiers using her arcane magic.

The little boy that she helped earlier appears to be dead on the ground and she’s unable to restore him after draining her power. However, she’s given an opportunity to save the lives of the people injured by signing a cosmic contract.

According to those who play as healers in Apocalypse en ligne, you have to give up your own life in order to save the lives of your teammates, so it requires a balancing act of keeping yourself alive and also keeping your team alive.

All of this ties into the game’s free-form flight mechanics that allow players to venture around the game world without inhibition. It reminds me a little bit of Aion Online.

You can attempt to join the third closed beta right now by signing up over on the official website.

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