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1443540vérification des cookiesGhost Recon : Wildlands sur PC prend en charge la 4K et les FPS débloqués

Ghost Recon : Wildlands sur PC prend en charge la 4K et les FPS débloqués

PC gamers have to be leery these days about diving into the release of an AAA game. A lot of times there’s the issue of dealing with shoddy ports, piss poor graphics options, poor controller support, and poor performance. Well, Ubisoft is promising that Ghost Recon: Wildlands won’t be a shoddy PC port.

The company detailed the PC specific graphics over on the Ubisoft Blog, where they revealed that 21:9 monitor ratios are supported, multi-monitor support is available, and the game will allow gamers to play at 4K with unlocked frame-rates. You can see a trailer covering some of the PC specific features below.

There will also be plenty of graphical options so that you can modify the game to look and run in a way that best suits your PC setup. This includes altering the quality of the godrays, ambient occlusion, dynamic shadows, and texture filtering. There are also some PC-specific features, such as customizable controls, full keyboard and mouse support, UI scaling, multiplayer text chat and more.

This news arrives shortly after they announced the post-launch DLC plans for Ghost Recon: Wildlands. Dans une précédente blog récents Ubisoft detailed that there will be a free PvP DLC update for 4-vs-4 combat, along with two additional paid expansions called Narco Road and Fallen Ghosts. You can get a glimpse of the upcoming content in the trailer below.

It’s always bothersome when DLC plans are rolled out ahead of a game’s release. Why exactly would I, as a gamer, be convinced that your product is worth the $60 entry fee when you’re already talking about what you’re going to charge me for next before the game is even out?

Quoi qu'il en soit, Ghost Recon: Wildlands has been Ubisoft’s most successful open beta. Whether or not that translates into actual sales remains to be seen. The game seems okay, but there’s this sterile quality to the way the game plays out – as if it’s doing a by-the-numbers run through of certain open-world checklist features.

Even still, you can look for the game to launch on PC, PS4 and Xbox One starting March 7th.

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