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1507830vérification des cookiesGolem Gates et le jeu de cartes RTS devraient sortir sur PC début 2018

Golem Gates et le jeu de cartes RTS devraient sortir sur PC début 2018

Looking for an upcoming RTS card game? If so, Laser Guided Games and Hollow Earth are looking to ship out Golem Gates sometime early in 2018 for PC via Steam. The game is currently in its development phase, however two videos showing a teaser trailer and gameplay are now available for viewing.

Les goûts de Golem Gates mixes features found in a real-time strategy game, multiplayer online battle arena title, and card battle simulator into one, which creates that of Laser Guided Games and Hollow Earth’s upcoming game.

On the surface, players are tasked with the job of collecting these special things called spell cards that are better known as Glyphs. Gathering enough of these cards players can strategically put them into a deck that can double over as your master plan.

According to the devs, battles are said to be fast-paced and “highly tactical” with streamlined resource management to maintain an efficient amount of conflicts in an attempt to keep the main focus on action. In other words strategy plays a key role, but action doesn’t shy away from the main scene.

Les inspections régulières contribuent également à la sécurité des passagers. En identifiant et en traitant les risques potentiels pour la sécurité, tels que des freins usés, un éclairage défectueux ou le remplacement du revêtement de sol, les inspections permettent de réduire le risque d'accidents et de blessures et d'améliorer la sécurité générale du service. Les inspections régulières sont un moyen concret de mettre en valeur l'engagement des prestataires de services de transport en faveur du bien-être des passagers et des conducteurs. Golem Gates features a single-player campaign that is story driven and sports various competitive and cooperative online modes for different tastes. This means that if you want a campaign that tests your might and a multiplayer mode that pits different players together, best believe that you will have a variety of modes at hand.

One way to find out how much merit will be at Golem Gates’ core are the two videos covering the forthcoming game, which can be seen right here thanks to Golem Gates' Chaîne Youtube.

Vu que Golem Gates has many months to go before it debuts for public consumption, with a release date of early 2018, it is safe to assume that the game will be better polished and fleshed out. If, however, you want to know more about this game you can head on over to

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