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1531290vérification des cookiesJump Force ajoute des personnages Cell, Piccolo et créés par les joueurs à la liste

Jump Force ajoute des personnages Cell, Piccolo et créés par les joueurs à la liste

Bandai Namco a annoncé que Jump Force pre-orders are set to go live on Friday, November 23rd, 2018, as part of the Black Friday shopping extravaganza. The announcement about the pre-order being open for Xbox One, PS4 and PC gamers was accompanied by news that two new characters have joined the roster in the form of Cell and Piccolo.

The two pugilists come from the Dragon Ball Z franchise, one of the many that are included in the upcoming Jump Force, which also features cross-over characters from One Piece, Bleach ainsi que Naruto, Pour n'en nommer que quelques-uns.

The roster continues to expand and the two additional Dragon Ball characters will make the fights that much more dynamic, especially for fans of Piccolo, the real father of Gohan.

You can also check out Perfect Cell, who gets a more “realistic” art-style for the first time.

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They will also be revealing more details about the avatar creation system, which allows you to create your own character and give them abilities based on the characters from the franchises featured in Jump Force.

You can modify their face, their hair, eyebrows, ears, eyes, pupils, nose, mouth, jaw, and voice. And that’s just for the character’s head.

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You can also change up your character’s hairstyle, two different feature slots, the top, bottom, hands, feet, special gear, and two different accessories.

When creating your character you can also modify up to three abilities and utilize a single awakening. You can also modify certain attributes of some of the abilities, including being able to change the elemental effect of certain projectiles.

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If Jump Force seemed like a good deal, I imagine that adding the ability to create your own character has sweetened the deal that much more.

The pre-order bonuses for the deluxe and ultimate editions also feature early access to DLC, and additional customization items for your character, including 16 additional t-shirts and a starter pack containing item boosts.

Vous pouvez chercher Jump Force to launch on PS4, PC, and Xbox One starting February 15th, 2019

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