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1530660vérification des cookiesKoruldia Heritage, un RPG 2.5D peint à la main cherche des fonds sur Kickstarter

Koruldia Heritage, un RPG 2.5D peint à la main cherche des fonds sur Kickstarter

A classically made role-playing game from Renaud Sauzet is currently on Kickstarter right now, seeking $13,000 to finish off its development. The turn-based RPG attempts to bring the 32-bit style JRPG experience to life on home consoles and PC.

Koruldia Heritage was originally announced as a Square Enix Collective title back in Mars de 2018. The developer had no qualms about being upfront that the title was being designed using RPG Maker MV, but it wasn’t going to be a typical sprite-based game.

While the character sprites are traditionally hand-drawn, the world map is actually in 3D, which gives the game that Disgaea style look that used to be popular in some PSX and PS2 titles.

You can see what the gameplay and artwork is like with the Kickstarter pitch video below.

Players will travel through the overworld using the traditional isometric view, but the actual combat will be done using side-scrolling turn-based combat. You’ll acquire skills, level up your character and attempt to unleash devastating attacks on enemies.

The initial plan is to get the game up and finished for a September 2020 release in two years, starting with a launch on PC. If funding goes well, they have plans on then releasing the game on Nintendo Switch and PS4 at a later date.

Koruldia Heritage has been in development since last year, back when it was originally greenlit for Steam just before the Greenlight program was shut down. It was also approved for the Square Enix Collective back at the start of 2018, with a majority of the community liking what they saw from the project.

Si le jeu vous intéresse, vous pouvez en savoir plus en consultant le Kickstarter la page right now. It still has an entire month to go for funding so there’s no rush, but obviously if you’re into these kind of games feel free to give it a look-see.

(Merci pour le conseil d'information Iswear12)

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